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Составьте предложения. Будьте внимательны с грамматическим временем. 1) The students / not / mind / go / on an excursion / to the museum / next

5-9 класс

Sunday.2) The girl / already / phone / the hospital .3) I'll / read / once more / text.4) We / be luck / last Sunday / and / win / the English contest.5) Next year / she / try her chance?

JuliaLobazowa 12 дек. 2013 г., 17:52:05 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 дек. 2013 г., 19:22:59 (10 лет назад)

1) The students do not mind going on an excursion to the museum next Sunday.
Учащиеся не против пойти на экскурсию в музей в следующую субботу.

2) The girl has already phoned the hospital.
Девочка уже позвонила в больницу.

3) I'll read the text once more.
Я прочитаю текст ещё раз.

4) We were lucky last Saturday and won the English contest.
В прошлую субботу нам повезло и мы выиграли конкурс по английскому.

5) Will she try her chance next year?
Попытает ли она счастье ещё раз в следующем году?

+ 0 -
12 дек. 2013 г., 21:35:41 (10 лет назад)

1) The students do not mind going on an excursion to the museum next Sunday.
2) The girl has already phoned the hospital.
3) I'll read text once more.
4) We were lucky last Sunday and won the English contest.
5) Is she trying her chance next year?


Другие вопросы из категории

Complete the sentences with as or not as.

1. Norway is ... large as the Russian Federation.
2. The city is ... quiet and green as the countryside.
3. Trafalgar Square is ... famous as Red Square.
4. Cycling trips are ... comfortable as car trips.
5. The Curonian Spit is ... popular with tourist as Niagara Falls
6. Alice is ... sociable as her brother Jim
7. Alice and Jim are ... hospitable as their parents.

переделать предложения в Passive voice. очень срочно. буду очень благодарна.

1.I bought a book a week ago.
2. People often ask for this book.
3. Tom has just told me a good story.
4. They found the rare manuscript in the basement.
5.The scientists are examing the new bacterium.
6. Bob and Jack were carring our bags.

Помогите пожалуйста:)

Open the brackets to make the sentences complete.

1.By half past eight they (not,have) supper yet.

2.The birds (fly) away before winter comes.

3.In five years' time we (finish) school.

4.By this time next week Jack (take) his exam.

5.I hope it (stop) raining before we have to go.

6.I don't think my parents (byu) a computer by the end of the week.

7.George (not,memorize) al the idioms by Friday.

8.The Rogers (finish) building their new cottage before summer.

9.The party (not,start) before we get there.

10.He (not,come) back by supper time.

Читайте также

Помогите перевести, только никак в переводчике, где предложения некоторые не связанные по смыслу и грамматически. А чтоб был понятный текст.

Буду очень благодарна.


10 July was a very special day. In fact, it was Jack Petersons birthday. On that day everybody tried to do something nice for him. Mum and Dad always gave him a lot of presents and took him a lot of presents and took him to interesting places. Two years ago they went on an excursion to Mars. Last year they went to the Galaxy Zoo. They saw interesting animals there: bats, rabbits, hens and the most exciting thing: a real dog!

Нужно верно составить предложения из английских слов.Естественно с добавлением дополнительных слов при котором предложение станет нормальным. Например:

даны слова: Make,tidy,his room. По этим словам нужно составить предложение. Например: Ann makes Steve tidy his room.
1) Want,make a mess,in the house,not.
2)Ask,turn the musik off.
3)Let,take,her things,not
4)Make,do the dishes.
5)Need,do the shopping.
6)Would like,walk the dog.

Как правильно составить предложение на английском?

Великобритания состоит из Англии, Северной Ирландии, Шотландии и Уэльса.
Но мне не нужно из переводчика,просто я не знаю,как составить предложение такого плана

составить предложения music i a long for have not time listened to

составить предложение Galileo telescope the first made it and looked straught

Составить предложения Poland/ you/ from/are? Robert/your/name/is? Tuesday/is/today/it? where/your/is/brother?



Составьте предложения плизз.

Образец: Very/your/dog/noisy/be Your dog is very noisy/

1. cupboard/the/in/shoes/your/be/

2. cloudy/today/it/be/

3. I/hungry/cold/and/be/

4. mother/doctor/a/be/my/

5. Russia/country/big/very/be/a/

6. American/cheerful/people/very/be/

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