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Помогите, пожалуйста, с английским. Прошу!!! Choose the conditionals and put the verbs in the correct from

5-9 класс

1) If I —------- ( not be) busy, I —------- (come) with you.
2) I —----- (not buy) that car if were you.
3) If this book were not so expensive I —--- (byu) it.
4) If we —----- (not leave) now, we —-- (miss) the bus.
5) If I —----(be) rich, I would have a yacht.

P.S. в тексте могут быть ошибки так как писала очень быстро....

алтизолотко 12 мая 2014 г., 19:12:52 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
12 мая 2014 г., 19:58:58 (10 лет назад)

1) If I were not busy, I would come with you.
2) I would not buy that car if I were you.
3) I would buy it
4) If we did not leave now, we would miss the bus.
5) If I were rich.


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10 примет на англиском?

Читайте также

помогите,пожалуйста:) - Chinese is recognized as the world's largest language in terms of native speakers. The next four

(1)__________ languages - English, Spanish, Hindi, and Arabic are likeky to be equally ransed. In the future German will (2)_______, and the influence of Chinese and Arabic will grow (3)__________.

- Less and less people are learning (4)________ languaes in the UK and the USA, because they believe that everybody speaks or will speak English, which in one of the most (5)_________ languages.

- Thouggh English is spoken in many different ways in defferent parts of the world, Standard English (6)________ the language for international (7)________.

- Every language (8)________ new words from other languages. Without new words languages can't grow and change. That's why many old, small languages are (9)__________ out now.

1) a. major b. bigger c.such

2) a. become b.die c. expand

3) a. enormous b. enormously c. highly

4) a. foreign b. international c. official

5) a. widespread b. worldwide c. world

6) a. remains b. ranks c. is recognized

7) a.recognition b. communication c. reputation

8) a. expands b. exports c. borrows

9) a. dying b. going c. expanding

Read the text and put verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, the Past Continuos or the Present Perfect.

The first time i (see) Tom when he was on the first day of my secondary school.
He (talk) to some friends and i read a book in our school hall.When i (hear) his voice i (like) it very much. Two months later we (begin) going out with each other.After finishing school Tom (go) to Canada to study law. This year he (come) back home for the Christmas holidays.

Read the text and put the paragraphs (1–5) in the correct order.

The birds were watching all this. They felt sorry for the monkey but there was little they could do for him. One of them said, “Brother! Our small nests are not enough to give you shelter.” Another bird said, “All of us prepared for the rainy season. If you had, you would not be in this piteous situation.”
On a mango tree in a jungle, there lived many birds. They were happy in their small nests. Before the onset of the rainy season, all the animals of the jungle repaired their homes. The birds also made their homes more secure.
It continued raining for many days. One day, a monkey wet in the rain came into the forest. He sat on a branch, shivering with cold, water dripping from his body. The poor monkey tried his best to get shelter, but in vain. The leaves were not enough to save him from the rain. “Brrr! It is so cold!” said the monkey.
“How dare you tell me what to do?” said the monkey, growling at the bird. The monkey angrily pounced on the bird’s nest, tore it and threw it on the ground. The bird and her chicks were helpless.

The poor bird thought, “Fools never value good advice. It is better not to advise them.”

Many birds brought twigs and leaves and others wove their nests. “We should also store some food for our children,” chirped one of the birds. And they collected food, until they had enough to see them through the rainy season. They kept themselves busy preparing for the tough times.

Soon the rain came. It was followed by thunder and lighting. All the animals and birds stayed in their homes.


Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or Future Simple Tense.

1)If you (to have) enough time we (to go) bowling.2)They (to make) choice as soon as they (to read) all the advertisements.3) When she (get) the information about this trip she ( to book) the tickets.4) As soon as Peter (to consult) the doctor he (to join) our biking club .5) The scientists (to make) some experiments before they (to come) to some conclusions .6) Ted (to think) it over before he (to give) us the answer.


Срочнооооооо™!!!!!!! Срочноооооооо!!!!!!!!! Помогите пожалуйста по английскому языку!!!!! Мне вообщем задали сочинение!!!!! Оно у меня на русском

написано, а надо чтобы было на английском перевидите пожалуйста на английский язык!!!!!! Текст на фото. Буду очень благодарна если поможете)

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