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5-9 класс

Упражнение 1

021511 27 сент. 2013 г., 14:21:36 (10 лет назад)
+ 0 -
0 Жалоба
+ 0 -
27 сент. 2013 г., 16:15:42 (10 лет назад)

1. My sister does not like coffee.
2. When do you go to bed every day?
3. What is he reading now?
4. What does he read every day?
5. What will he read tomorrow?
6. Will you give me this book tomorrow?
7. Where will she be tomorrow?
8. Where is she going tomorrow?
9. Will she go to the country with us tomorrow?
10. They will stay at home tomorrow.
11. What are you doing now? I see that you are not reading.
12. When will you finish your homework? It will be very late, it will be time to go to bed.
13. How do you usually spend evenings?
14. What will you do in the country next summer?
15. They are not drinking tea now. I think they are watching TV.
16. What does your father drink in the evening?
17. When do you get up every day? - I get up at seven o'clock.
18. My brother usually does not get up at seven o'clock. As a rule, he gets up at six o'clock, but tomorrow he will get up at seven o'clock.
19. Why will she come home so late tomorrow?
20. We will go to the country the day after tomorrow.
21. Our friends always go to the country for the weekend.
22. Look! The kitten is playing with its tail.
23. Are our parents watching TV now?
24. My sister is not resting now. She is helping mother in the kitchen. She helps mother in the kitchen every day.

+ 0 -
27 сент. 2013 г., 17:57:53 (10 лет назад)

первое по моему my sister don't like coffee

+ 0 -
27 сент. 2013 г., 19:19:49 (10 лет назад)

ой doesn't

+ 0 -
27 сент. 2013 г., 19:52:47 (10 лет назад)

24. 2 предложение she helping mother in the kitchen.she helps mother in the kitchen every day а в 1. Я не знаю правильно или нет

+ 0 -
27 сент. 2013 г., 20:40:47 (10 лет назад)

всёравно спасибо

+ 0 -
27 сент. 2013 г., 23:01:04 (10 лет назад)

вот по этим примерам можешь догадаться что и в остальных


Другие вопросы из категории

Помогите очень нужно
мои родные , хорошие помогите мне с письмом...... это письмо. на него надо ответить )))))) 1.благодарность за письмо 2.ответ на вопросы и самим задать ему

три вопроса по теме . 3 концовка
…Last weekend I went to a fantastic concert by my favorite band, Hotshot. It’s the best thing I’ve ever been to. What’s the best thing you’ve ever been to? Was it a concert? Or maybe it was a sport event, or a show, play or film. Maybe it was something completely different.
Describe it to me and tell me why it was so great.
I’d live to hear all about it.

1) Emma works in a hospital. ..... is a doctor.

A He B She C l
2) He ........ got two notebooks in his schoolbag .
A haven't B have C has
3) Tom and Nick .......... my friends .
A aren't B isn't C haven't
4) She's got ........... eraser on her desk
A a B an C -
5) Nancy and l are 10 years old . ..... are young .
A They B You C We
6) The children ......... at school.
A have B are C is
7) This is a camera and ............ are computer games .
A that B this C these
8) They ............ Russian dolls
A have B has got C has
9) Derek ............. Scottish . He is lrish .
A aren't B 'm not C isn't
10) The pen is on the dask . ........ isn't in the scoolbag .
11) ............ Maria got a computer?
A Does B Has C 's
12) We ........ at our new school.
A ' re B ' m C 's

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помогите пожалусто решить задание. Read the text . Complete each sentence with one of the words in the bow. текст. It is easz to fncz

our life withuut newspapers ,................... ,

.................. , and reviews of all kinds . And what was ........... newspaper like ? When was it made ?

The earliest newspapers appeared in 59 BC ( before Christ ) In Rome . It was very little only one ............. Julius Caesar ordered ...... them throughout the city to inform the people about ........... events, ............. , military conflicts and executions .

In Europe Printed .............. appeared in he 15th century, when the letter press ...... The first daily newspaper in England was published in Londodn in 1702 . In 1784 , The Pennsylvania Packet became the first daily newspaper of the United States .

СЛОВА ДЛЯ ВСТАВКИ ( was invented , tabloids ,newspapers , daily, to post, scandals , magazines , sheet , the first , political )


СОС! Помогите решить пожалуйста!

Решите пожалуйста Часть 2.

Помогите решить:

A girl is talking about her family.
Mark the following sentences with " T " if the information is true or " F " if it is false.
You will hear the text twice
Там таблица но изображу так:
1. Kerry has to go to the swimming pool. __________
2. Kerry's parents may not know where she is sometimes. _____________
3. Kerry has some chores to do at home. ___________
4. Kerry's parents are strict about watching TV. _________
5.Karry's parents are not strict about using the phone. ______________
6. Perhaps Karry's family will go to Jamaica in summer. ______
__________ - Это места для ответов!
Прошу помогите а то с Английским не справится ;(


у меня проблема: за весь год у нас по англискому сменилось 5 преподователей, на данный момент у нас очень строгая и требовательная учительница, задает по 7 заданий и обезательно 5писмено.Почти ничего не обьесняет, а только требует. Мы уже устали. Дай бог чтобы и эта ушла. Зачем я это вам рассказываю? Просто мне от этого домашнего задания решается оценка и за этого отнеситесь серьезно.
Зарание благодарю.
1.pretend you are a teather, read the questions for your classmates to answer. The words below can help them.
EXAMPLE: - Why have you bought thease daffodils?
- They smelled so nice!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------to sound lound, to smell nice, to smell pleasent, to taste sweet, to taste good, to feel bad, to feel well.
1. Why did you turn off the radio?
2.Why have you eaten the whole cake?
3.Why didn t you go to scholl yesterday?
4. Why have you put thease lilies here?
5. Why do you like honey?
6. Why don t you take aspirin?

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